Aftercare eForm

Aftercare Eform

Aftercare is very important for producing a beautiful and lasting result.

  • Do not use water on the treated area for 7-days. Carefully clean/wipe around the treated area.
  • Apply the aftercare balm three time/daily with a Q-tip. If the balm is too stiff to use, simply warm it up in a glass of warm water or on your finger. Use the balm very sparingly. Too little is better. Blot off excess with a clean tissue. Never touch the procedure area without washing your hands immediately before.
  • Do not scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust (Scab) that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath can be pulled off.
  • Do not use any makeup near the procedure area, including mascara for eyeliner procedures for at least 7-10 days. Purchase new mascara and makeup, if possible, to avoid contamination or bacterial infection.
  • Always use a sum block after the procedure area is health to protect from sun fading.

What’s Normal

  • Swelling, itching, scabbing, light bruising, and dry tightness: Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling. Aftercare balm is nice for scabbing and tightness.
  • Too dark and slightly uneven appearance: After 2-7 days, the darkness will fade. Once the swelling dissipates, the unevenness usually disappears. If they are too dry or still a bit uneven after four-weeks, then we will adjust during the touch up appointment.
  • Color change or color loss: As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. This can all be addressed during the touch up appointment and is why the tough up is necessary. The procedure area must be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes at least four weeks.
  • Needing a touch up months or years later: A touch up may be needed 1 to 5 years after the initial procedure depending on your skin, medications, and sun exposure. We recommend a touch up 45 days after the first session (included in today’s price) and every few years to keep them looking fresh and beautiful. Touch up sessions after 60 days will be $175 or current the current touch up rate at the time of the touch up. Failure to follow the after-care instructions may result in infections, pigment loss, or discoloration. I have read, understand, and agree to the above instructions.
Elisheba 2306 S. 2090 W. Woods Cross, Utah, 84087. Tele: 801-821-8866

aftercare eform

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